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Exercise 5

This exercise is for reviewing Vocabulary 1

What are the english of the words below?
1. kecakapan, bakat, kemampuan = A_I_I_Y

2. dapat, bisa, mampu, sanggup = A_L_

3. kira-kira, tentang, sekitar = A_O_T

4. yang di atas, lebih tinggi dari = A_O_E

5. sama sekali, betul, benar = A_S_L_T_ _Y

6. menerima, menyetujui = A_ _E_T

7. jalan masuk = A_C_ _S

8. kecelakaan = A_ _I_E_T

9. menurut = A_C_R_I_G_O

10. rekening, perhitungan = A_C_U_T

11. teliti, cermat, seksama = A_ _U_A_E

12. menyeberang = A_ _O_S

13. bertindak, tindakan = A_T

14. tindakan, perang, gerakan = A_T_O_

15. aktivitas, kegiatan = A_T_V_T_

16. fakta, kenyataan = A_T_A_

17. kenyataannya, sebenarnya = A_T_A_ _Y

18. tambah(kan), jumlahkan = A_D

19. penjumlahan, tambahan = A_D_T_ _N

20. mengakui, mengizinkan masuk = A_M_T

21. keuntungan, manfaat = A_V_N_A_E

22. urusan, perkara, peristiwa = A_ _A_R

23. memengaruhi, mengharukan = A_ _ _CT

24. takut, menyesal, khawatir = A_R_I_
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Exercise 4

Latihan Untuk Passive Voice I.

Rewrite the following senstences into passive form.

1. When I arrived home, I found that somebody had broken one of the doors.
2. You can buy cameras like this anywhere.
3. He has sold his car to pay his son's debts.
4. They owed a lot of money to the bank.
5. People have proved that there is no life on the moon.

Rewrite the following sentences. Begin with the word provided.

1. Somebody was cleaning the house when I was there.
    The house ________________________________

2. The manager always welcomes the new employees.
    The new employees ___________________________

3. The police were questioning him when I arrived at the police station.
    He ________________________________________________

4. The police opened the case again because they were not satisfied.
    The case __________________________________________

5. They will despatch our order next month.
    Our order _______________________
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Vocabulary I

ABILITY = kecakapan, bakat, kemampuan

ABLE = dapat, bisa, mampu, sanggup

ABOUT = kira-kira, tentang, sekitar

ABOVE = yang di atas, lebih tinggi dari

ABSOLUTELY = sama sekali, betul, benar

ACCEPT = menerima, menyetujui

ACCESS = jalan masuk

ACCIDENT = kecelakaan

ACCORDING TO = menurut

ACCOUNT = rekening, perhitungan

ACCURATE = teliti, cermat, seksama

ACROSS = menyeberang

ACT = bertindak, tindakan

ACTION = tindakan, perang, gerakan

ACTIVITY = aktifitas, kegiatan

ACTUAL = fakta, kenyataan

ACTUALLY = kenyataannya, sebenarnya

ADD = tambah(kan), jumlahkan

ADDITION = penjumlahan, tambahan

ADMIT = mengakui, mengizinkan masuk

ADVANTAGE = keuntungan, manfaat

AFFAIR = urusan, perkara, peristiwa

AFFECT = memengaruhi, mengharukan

AFRAID = takut, menyesal, khawatir
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Passive Voice I

I. Kalimat Pasif (Passive Voice) bukan hanya berbeda bentuk dengan kalimat aktif (Active Voice), melainkan juga mempunyai kegunaan tersendiri dan sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris. Dalam kalimat aktif, subjek kalimat (orang atau benda lainnya) melakukan pekerjaan, sedangkan dalam kalimat pasif objek yang melakukan pekerjaan.

A = John often helps my brother.
P = My brother is often helped by John.

A = Linda sent the letters three days ago.
P = The Letters were sent by Linda three days ago.

II. Kalimat pasif digunakan jika kita ingin memfokuskan kejadian atau peristiwa, bukan siapa atau apa yang melakukannya.

The city was destroyed during the World War II.
Kota itu hancur selama Perang Dunia II

The children were kidnapped when they were playing.
Anak-anak itu diculik ketika mereka sedang bermain.

III. Kalimat pasif juga digunakan jika kita ingin menghindari suatu objek yang semu seperti somebody/someone, dan one.


  • The letter has to be sent today.
  • The agreement will be signed tomorrow.
  • Rome wasn't built in a day.
IV. Penggunaan "by + doer (pelaku)"
"By" hanya digunakan jika kita ingin mengatakan siapa atau apa yang melakukan atau bertanggungjawab atas suatu kejadian atau peristiwa. Kata-kata yang sering memerlukan by adalah:

build, compose, design, damage, destroy, discover, invent, do, make, write, etc.
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Exercise 3

Latihan untuk penjelasan Grammar be/get used to.

Example :
My sister ________ (take) a bus to go to school.
My sister is used to taking a bus to go to school.

1. He _____ (speak) English after working with some foreigners.
2. John _____ (have) lunch at 12.30 every day.
3. We _____ (speak) English in our family.
4. Jack _____ (to bed) late on weekends.
5. Sandra _____ (eat) Italian food now.

Example :
I _____ (eat) at noon when I started to school.
I was used to eating at noon when I started to school.

1. When I was young, I _____ (swim) three times a week.
2. When he was a child, Jack _____ (to bed) late at night.
3. The man _____ (work) hard every day when he was still young.
4. We _____ (study) together when we studied at a university.
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Be (is, am are) / Get Used To

I. Be (is/am/are) used to diikuti kata benda (noun) dan digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu yang merupakan kebiasaan atau sesuatu yang sudah tidak asing lagi untuk dilakukan atau dialami di waktu sekarang.

Hendra adalah seorang mahasiswa Indonesia yang telah menetap di New York selama 2 tahun. Pada bulan pertama berada di New York, dia selalu merasa kedinginan karena belum terbiasa dengan cuaca kota New York di musim dingin. Hendra mengatakan :

I am used to hot weather.
Saya terbiasa dengan cuaca panas.
I am not used to cold weather.
Saya tidak terbiasa dengan cuaca dingin.

II. "Get used to" artinya adalah "jadi terbiasa". Get used to diikuti kata benda atau gerund.

After living in England for 2 years, my brother gets used to cold weather.
Setelah tinggal di Inggris selama 2 tahun, saudaraku jadi terbiasa dengan cuaca dingin.

After working with some Japanese for a few months, he gets used to working ten hours a day.
Setelah bekerja dengan orang Jepang selama beberapa bulan, dia jadi terbiasa bekerja 10 jam sehari.

III. Be (was/were) used to something / doing something, digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kebiasaan pada waktu lampau.

I was used to getting early when I stayed in London.
Saya terbiasa bangun pagi ketika saya tinggal di London.

When he was in Italy, he was used to Italian food.
Ketika dia berada di Italia, dia terbiasa dengan makanan Italia.
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Exercise 2

Fill in the blanks with suitable expressions based on the reason given.

During a lunch break
Bonita : Do you think it's possible to have the English class after work?
Dino : ___________. They will be very exhausted and wouldn't be able to focus on the lessons.
Bonita : How about before they go to work?
Dino : ___________. Many staff members live far from the office. If I may suggest. the English class should take place during working hours.
Bonita : ____________. But, we'll have to talk with the HRD people first.

In a lobby
Dave : Hey, Eddy. Is it true that we are going to be merged with Nextra?
Eddy : ______________. I heard about that, too.
Dave : So, what do you think will be the CEO? Mr. Latham?
Eddy : ______________. He's still young.
Dave : Well, in my opinion, age doens't matter. He's the perfect candidate.

At a sports club
Firza : Hi Stacey. It's Firza. I want to ask you something.
Stacey : Shoot.
Firza : _______________ of cutting down the budget for our next company picnic?
Stacey : _______________. Just tell me why you think it should be lowered.
Firza : I noticed the budget for accomodation and documentation is a bit too high. Can we meet after lunch to discuss it? Ask Poltak too.
Stacey : _______________. Poltak and I are going to meet our clients after lunch. How about tomorrow morning?

Answer with the expressions have been explained at "Asking/Stating Possibility/Impossibility".
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Asking and Stating About Possibility and Impossibility

Contoh Percakapan.

At The Office
Chris : Hi Jason, its Chris. Can we postpone our Batam trip to Thursday next week?

Jason : That's not possible, Chris.

Chris : How about one day later?

Jason : Our tickets are for a fixed date and fixed flight. We use it or lose it. The people in Batam branch have set up some meetings already. So, you see, canceling this trip is certainly impossible.

Chris : Bummer!

Jason : Why all of a sudden do you want to withdraw from this trip?

Chris : I've got an invitation to a two-day workshop. And it's a golden opportunity for me to learn something new.

Jason : The workshop can wait. I'm sure there'll be another.

Chris : It's unlikely. The next workshop won't be free anymore.

Jason : By the way, what's it about? If it's work-related, there's a possibility of sending you to any workshop. Just let the manager know how the company will benefit.

Chris : OK. I'll go with you to Batam.

Jason : Good, we'll talk about it again later. Now our first priority is this big project in Batam. I believe you have everything ready.

Kalimat-kalimat yang dapat kita gunakan adalah :
Asking something if it is possible

  • Is it possible to ... ?
  • Is there any possibility of ... ?
  • What are the chances of ...?
  • What possibility is there that ... ?
  • What's the possibility of ... ?
Saying something is impossible
  • That's not possible.
  • It's unlikely.
  • Not a chance!
  • It was impossible to ...
  • There's no chance of ...
  • It's not likely that ...
Saying something is possible
  • It's possible ...
  • There's a good possibility.
  • Chances are ...
  • They will probably ...
  • Perhaps.
  • That''s very possible.
  • There's a possibility of ...

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Exercise 1

Lengkapi percakapan di bawah ini dengan ekspresi Asking, Giving dan Avoid Giving Opinions.

At Donny's Cubicle
Agung : Hari complained about my being late again.

Donny : Well, ____________ he has a point. He can't start working without you. You're a team, remember.

Agung : I know, but ___________ he understands that it's not completely my fault. Since they started the construction of a new highway, the traffic goes from bad to worse.

Donny : ______________, you'd better rent a house nearby if you can't leave home earlier. It's more practical.

At a restaurant
Jan : What actually are his job responsibilities? Why does he always try to interfere in everybody's business?

Krisna : Hmmm... ___________________.

Jan : I know that he's close to our boss, but the way he's interfering with everybody's business doesn't really help at all.

Dian : ____________________ it's high time we told him that it's not acceptable.
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Asking, Giving and Avoid Giving Opinions

Contoh percakapan.

At a Restaurant

A : You know it's about time we increased the company performance or else we lose the competition.

B : You're right. Our turnover has been high in the past five years. Our competitors are hijacking our best employees. I can't blame them for leaving.

C : In my opinion, what we need is a change in the company culture.

A : What do you think, B?

B : I believe we can already make a great difference by changing the work atmosphere. Say, by creating a comfortable and relaxing work atmosphere.

A : I know what you mean. We spend most of our time at the office. It's our second home.

C : Exactly. Did you hear that Google offers its employees workout facilities, cafe, and snack room?

B : I'd rather not say anything about that. I'm afraid we can't go as far as Google.

C : No, but we can change our office interior design, the seating arrangements...

A : It seems to me that it's really a great idea as a start. We...

Dari contoh di atas kita dapat menyatakan ekspresi:
Asking For Opinions

  • What do you think?
  • Do you think so?
  • What's your opinion?
  • What are your feelings about ... ?
  • What do you think about ... ?
Giving Opinions
  • In my opinion, ...
  • You know it's about time ...
  • It seems to me ...
  • I believe ...
  • From my point of view, ...
  • I don't think ...
Avoid Giving Opinions
  • I'd rather I can't comment on this.
  • I'd prefer not to say anything about it.
  • I'd rather not talk about it, if you don't mind.
  • Oh, please. Not that.
  • That's none of my business.
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